Installing and Starting the ATB
Logging In
Once docker is installed, use the following command to log into the Docker Hub account linked to the organization-specific repository provided by the ATB:
docker login
Supply your Docker Hub username and password when prompted.
Pulling the Container
Once logged in, pull the ATB container image from your organization-specific repository:
docker pull YOURREPO
with the full name of your organization-specific repository provided by the ATB. The full name should be in the format UPLOADERNAME/REPONAME
Starting the Container
Now that the container has been pulled from the repository, start an instance of it using the following command:
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name atb-server -v atbvol:/atb --restart unless-stopped YOUREPO
Again, remember to replace YOUREPO
with the full name of your organization-specific repository.
Some of the arguments in the docker run
command above can be modified if needed. These include the host port (8080), container name (atb-server) and volume name (atbvol).
Please note that the volume stil must be mounted in the location /atb
irrespective of the volume name chosen.
An instance of the container should now be running. Verify this by navigating to in a web browser (assuming you used the default port number shown in the example above).
If you can see the ATB home page, the container has been successfully launched.
Additional steps, however, must be completed for the local ATB server to function properly.