Configuring csc-tools
Now that csc-tools has been successfully installed, configuration is required before the program can be used to validate datasets.
Initializing the Configuration File
Before csc-tools configuration options can be set, the csc-tools configuration file must be initialized. To do this, execute the following command:
csct config --init
If a csc-tools configuration file already exists, this command will delete all configuration options.
Configuring the API Token
csc-tools must be configured with the API token generated in Creating an ACSC API Token in order to correctly associate contributed datasets with users. To do this, execute the following command:
csct config authorization xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Where xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
is the API token generated in Creating an ACSC API Token. To check if the API token was successfully set, execute the following command:
csct config authorization
If the API token was configured correctly, this command should echo your API token.
Configuring the Export Path
csc-tools exports successfully validated datasets as compressed archives to a specified export path. This export path must be configured before datasets can be prepared for upload using csc-tools. To specify the export path for csc-tools, execute the following command:
csct config export_path /path/to/where/files/should/be/exported
Ensure that the specified export path is on a filesystem with sufficient space to hold the processed dataset archives.
To check if the export path was successfully set, execute the following command:
csct config export_path
If the export path was configured correctly, this command should echo your export path.