Processing Datasets
Validating Datasets
After your datasets have been prepared, csc-tools can be used to validate the contents of dataset directories to ensure that the datasets are suitable for contribution to the ACSC.
This can be done using the csct validate
To use the command to validate all properties of a dataset, execute the following command:
csct validate /path/to/datasets /path/to/more/datasets
Any number of dataset paths can be supplied to the validator. Any supplied paths will be scanned recusrively for directories containing atbrepo.yaml
files, which will be be identified by csc-tools as simulation runs. For convenience, ACSC recommends storing datasets in need of validation in a single parent directory.
This command will check the metadata files, directory structure, and files within subdirectories against the requirements outlined in Structuring Datasets and Structuring Metadata and inform the user of any problems.
csc-tools supports validation of individual dataset properties. for a full list of options, execute the command csct validate --help